Wednesday, January 14, 2009


After training hard and getting in the best shape of my life I've been derailed by the diagnosis of tendonititis and a 3 week prescription of boot-leggin. While this is minor in the grand ole scheme of things, in my life its sort of "big doings". While boot-leggin, I can not run, swim, bike, or do any of my usual activities which means several of the races in which I was to participate, ranging from the moderately easy pre-season duatahlons to the quasi die-hard nature of a half ironman, have all been wiped from my calendar. While ruining my training and racing schedule, said boot-let is also providing new bothersome pains in my hip, backs, shins and opposite ankle. So for the next few weeks I'll be subsisting on self-pity, my usual dose of sarcasm and a generous helping of anti-inflammatories. 

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